The Priority of some communities is far too often; PlaySpaces over the Safety of community members, or worse…
# Till all are Safe, We Must continue on.
#### “You Cannot Change it”
## **FUCK that!!!**
**Yes We can change and the past Proves we can.**
Learn the history of this Lifestyle when it comes to community and see how our history proves that we can change, Adapt and become *SAFER.*
***The Goal of EVERY community must be to Protect its members as the 1st priority.***
This isn’t being a white knight, nor is it to be popular, it is what separates “communities” from being cults and safety protocols create spotlights on predators.
## Yes We Can and we have.
I see any new ideas instantly attacked and shoot down for these various reasons:
We tried…
It’s too hard…
Play spaces matter more…
People should know the risks….
***That last one is the worst, because it is in reference to being part of a community. As if Joining a community is consent to abuse. It is not.***
I also see those who have in the past done things to make people safe or have worked toward a safer community over all, and that amazing but:
# Till all are Safe, We Must continue on.
This is like a cop telling us they kept a block safe when they were on patrol and then retired saying: *”When I was on the beat the world was safer”,* which in their part of the world it may have in fact been safer. *But other parts weren’t and they are retired. We thank them for their service but must remind them that:*
# Till all are Safe, We Must continue on.
Over the last few years abuse is getting worse and more frequent. There are various reasons for this, but understanding it is happening…
### again as the past is repeating itself.
# Till all are Safe, We Must continue on.
What you can do is get out of the way of new ideas and stop making excuses. The Excuses themselves can be seen as red flags. It comes down to a simple question:
#### Are you part of the solution or the problem?
You cannot be both.
Remember, there is nothing you can do to revert the harm abuse causes to a person, that can and does for some, **last a lifetime.** This is about being proactive or not at all moment. Telling someone who was harmed by play spaces matter more is not something anyone wants to do. So when talking about prevention, look at it as, as it should be, actions & ideas towards stopping abuse.
I do not EXPECT anyone to voluntary to do anything but to simple stay out of the way of progress when it comes to safety:
Stop saying it won’t work and let it be tired, so what if it failed before. That attitude is TOXIC. Instead stay silent or give better ideas. Negativity gives shelter to predators.
Stop saying people need to expect abuse behaviors in communities and start calling them out or stay silent, stop giving Predators shelter.
Play spaces never matter more than a lifetime of triggers, emotional and mental scarring. If you believe that you are a red flag. You are the person screaming seat belts don’t work and they take away your rights. Despite the data someone will always talk about how seatbelts are dangerous. Not wearing them is Dangerous. We need more seats belts in these communities to stop them from becoming cults because:
# Till all are Safe, We Must continue on.
***Just because you don’t feel at risk does not give you a right to stop others from adding seatbelts to this and all communities, unless you’re a predator, these seat belts won’t get in your way!***
Written by MisterAnderSiN